Sep 10, 2009

Bind up that belly!


I had no idea what post-partum belly binding was until a friend told me about it. I went online and did lots of research and found that many cultures have been doing this for centuries. I was in my last month of pregnancy and thought, why not try it? I bought the Belly Bandit. Now, I must admit I am a sucker for cute advertising. You make anything pink and I will buy it. (I am currently working on this compulsion) My dad use to say "Paint a rock pink and she'll buy it" He's right, unfortunately!  So I fell for the all the cuteness promises of the belly bandit. I brought it with me to the hospital and two days after giving birth, I tried it on. Initially, it wouldn't fit! I had also brought my belly support that I had bought at motherhood maternity. It wasn't intended for the use of belly binding but I was able to do so. I just wrapped around really tight around my stomach. I wore it 24/7 for 5 weeks. At 7 weeks post-partum I was down to pre-pregnancy weight. I switched out with the belly bandit ever so often. But because I am so short the belly bandit didn't quite fit me right. Two weeks after binding, my stomach looked great!! Almost back to "normal".

You could really use any type of material. It just needs to be really tight and worn all the time, except while showering. I later found out that motherhood maternity sells something for belly binding. It's about $25. That's almost $25 less than the Belly Bandit.

So, moral of the story... grab a t-shirt, grab a blanket, use a sling.... use whatever you have and bind up that belly!!


  1. Now why didn't I think of that?

    Steph @ Stick It in the Frige

  2. I didnt' do it after my first, but am planning on it after this baby! All the stars have been doing it for years! The secret is out!!

  3. I've done it after all three kids (I recommend ACE bandages that they use for torso injuries/surgeries) but I can tell you at least in my case it doesn't work as well the second or third time around =( I've always lost all of my baby weight (because I never gained very much) but my skin is still, er, stretchy. Oh well.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog =)

  4. I did this after my first. I was not even faithful about doing it every day, and only wore my corset a few hours on the days I did, but it was amazing how fast my tummy went back into place. Now after my second I was in so much pain (those horrible afterpains) for the first 2+ months that by the time I started doing it, I didn't really remember to do it more than a couple times and it didn't happen. So I'm still all floppy in the gut. Fun.


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