I have a scrapbook that I am working on and and will probably never finish until the Lord takes me home. In it are my stones of remembrance. Times where God was faithful (side note- God is always faithful. These are just the times that stuck out to me), answered prayers, and even the moments in life that were filled with pain and confusion but I know He never left my side. My hope is that this will be passed on to my children and their children and so forth. I don't want to be remembered for anything other than how the Lord transformed my life. I have always been one to write in a journal. Even before I could write words, I would draw pictures. I was keeping a journal during the time in my life that I became a Christian and of course I journaled about it. I am so excited that I actually have this journal entry!! It of course went into my spiritual scrapbook.
Here is that page from my journal. Seeing this brings tears to my eyes. (You've got to love that handwriting and misspelled word)
My grandpa was a pastor and had a big spiritual influence in my life. He passed away when I was five but we were very close! Before he died he gave his testimony at a local church and it was videotaped. Hearing his testimony always inspires me. He was abandoned as a little boy, had an alcoholic dad (that later came to know the Lord), stole food so he would be able to eat and later gave his life over to Christ. He quit a job where he was making really good money to go into full time ministry. I wish I could love people the way he did.
When I was sixteen I was living with my dad and I desperately needed a car. I needed to help my dad get my sister to school and I needed to get back and forth to a job. My dad couldn't afford to buy one for me. I prayed for a car. The Lord answered that prayed when a friend called me up and told me that her and her husband wanted to give me their car! I hadn't even told her I was looking for one or that I needed one. She said she felt that God was leading them to give it to me! What an answered prayer and a stone of remembrance.
(I wish I had a picture)
(I wish I had a picture)
My wedding day is a day was filled with joy and praise. The Lord knew exactly the right person to be my husband!

Another is the birth of my son.
These are just a few of mine. I'd love to hear some of yours! If you decide to write a post on some of your stones of remembrance be sure to leave a link in the comment box, so we can all check it out and see what the Lord has done in your life!
How amazing to have all those memories! That is really a lovely idea.
ReplyDeleteThat's beautiful! It made me tear up! God is so faithful even when we can't see him. :) Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI did one:
ReplyDeleteI have never been much, ok never, of a journaler if you will so blogging is my first step at online journaling. I don't always have the time to blog like I'd like to, but I enjoy it. The stones of rememberance is an awesome to display God's glory in your life. What a neat treasure to pass on to your children and as a reminder to yourself to never forget God's faithfulness. Seeing your blog encourages me to blog more. I have so many posts floating around in my head but it's so hard to put them down on "paper" to where it makes sense to everyone. I'll try though. Have a blessed week with your little guy. BTW, what do you charge for taking family pics?