Mar 26, 2010

An invite to you all

Pixel Perfect now has a Facebook Fan page. Although I wish it was called something different. I don't like to think of Pixel Perfect as having fans...we're closer than that!

Anyway if you'd like to, you can "become a fan".

I'm also on twitter. I love twitter. It's a great form of communication unless I goof and post something that was suppose to be private like I did yesterday. Follow me here so I can follow you too!

Ok, now that's out of the way! This morning we had quite a scare. Hubby had a dentist appointment and after the appointment he called to give me his good report. He was at a stop light while we were on the phone.

All of a sudden I heard him yell, "Oh my gosh!!"

I heard the phone drop.

My heart sank and there was moment of frantic yelling on my end. I couldn't hear anything but I was pretty sure I knew what had just happened. "HELLOOO... ARE YOU OK?.....HEELLOOOO.....TALK TO ME!!!"

He picked up the phone and told me he had just been rear ended. He was ok but would have to call me back.

My heart was racing but so glad he was ok.

He later called back and there was (unfortunately) very little damage to the car.

I have a love/hate relationship with that car. I paid it off before we were married and hubby insists are driving it till it explodes. (which I don't think is far from happening)  He says it keeps him humble...ha!

*I'm bringing back "Getting to know you" posts. Where your blog will be featured and you get to answer questions so we can all get to know you. If you are a follower on the right hand side and are interested, email me!



  1. I'm so glad your husband is okay! My hubby has a car like that --- it's a 1997 Saturn 4-door with 160k+ miles that he bought brand new. I hate it, but him driving that car the past 13 years has helped us a LOT. I don't even drive it and it keeps me humble!

  2. Johanna, You last sentence had me rolling! I can totally relate!! But you're right it's nice to have no car payments!

  3. Whew! I was holding my breath through the last part of your post. Glad he's okay! Gonna go be a fan and a follower! Oh, and I'd love to participate in the 'getting to know you' thing. I'll email ya!

  4. I am on my way to become a "fan".

    You are adorable cute. I know you were talking about that Twitter message to me. {giggling}

    I wouldn't have minded if you wrote an entire message to me there.... it's all good.

    Have a blessed & pixely perfect day! {are you giggling now too?}

  5. So glad that your husband is OK!!!

  6. Praise God he is ok!

  7. I am so glad your husband is okay. my husband had a truck I thought he would keep forever. He joked about being burried in it


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