Do you have any hobbies? i really love to crochet, sometimes sew, i make jewelry, i can knit but i haven't done much with that mostly cause crocheting is less awkward. and i really am into reading.
What is you best memory you have of your family? there are a lot of memories but honestly the times that are best are the times of laughter sometimes we can really just laugh about the stupidest stuff but its the best since we are laughing.
What is your favorite family vacation? there was a time when we always went out with our trailer and we would stay at places along the coast of washington/oregon. those times were soo beautiful loved them.
What are some ways you practice frugality? well i mostly don't buy anything i am unemployed so i barely spend money at all. but i do help out and clip coupons and what not. look for all the sales and go with the grocery store that has the best prices. i LOVE coupons
What is your most embarrassing moment? i'm sure i have many. one i can remember is when i was going to the house of my best friend at the time. that was my second home and i was going down the stairs to get a movie from the drawer. well i sorta missed a step and landed on my ankle haha it got swollen a bit and then thats not all. i was trying to use crutches.. fell backwards against the wall and then later on that night i tried to hop to my room to get a blanket. a friend was on her phone talking to her parents (she was from cali, came up to visit me in seattle) and in mid hop my knee gave out and i fell again. haha she was like "OH MY GOSH AMY ARE YOU OKAY?!?!?!" i only laughed cause it was so dumb. i was like "yeah i'll just lay here for a bit to collect my thoughts" i think after that i crawled and didn't try to hop again.
How long have you been blogging? i've had several blogs since i was a teenager but this particular blog i've had just over a year. i felt like i needed to start fresh without the painful memories of the other blogs i had.
What is your reason for blogging? well its an outlet for me a lot of the time because i don't vent outloud normally and i also do have a lot of friends out of state so it is easier to post things on here. not even nessicarily my ventings but funny moments and everything else. and blogging had led me to the bloom book club which also helped me get through just a super awkward time in my life and i came out with some lasting friendships to wonderful ladies.
Can you leave us a link of your favorite post from your blog?
Be sure to visit Amy's blog! Thanks Amy!!
It was nice to meet you Amy.
ReplyDeleteMonica it is neat that you do these Getting to know you posts. I never did sign up but if it's not to late. Sign me up! :-) I hope your feeling well today.