May 11, 2010

I'm alive

I'm still battling morning sickness. I feel more flu-like than nauseous. (I don't have the flu I just feel yuck) But that's a good thing. That means baby is growing!!

 My first mother's day was great! Little man bought me a bouquet of my favorite flowers, tulips. They were beautiful. My dad came over to babysit and hubby and I went out to dinner.

Little man also showed off some new skills. Here's a video of his first few steps!


  1. Oh! What a special moment! Thanks for sharing it!!!

  2. That is so exciting! Hooray for Little Man!!
    That brings me back to when Brad took his first steps just like that. They are so cute. :)

  3. How exciting! Felicity is just starting to walk too. She is a lot later than Wes and I am thankful for the extra time I had to watch her crawl around. :) I continue to pray for you and your little baby.

  4. Exciting! Bless your heart - you have morning sickness and now have a mobile one to chase down. Saying a prayer for you!

  5. Congratulations on the little one! We're not very far apart (my due date is Nov. 24th)! I can relate to that flu-like feeling and will certainly be praying for strength and energy to get you through!

    God is good .. ALL the time!

  6. congrats on baby to be. soo exciting. I am expecting, due October 21.... babies are true miracles


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