Jun 30, 2010

{almost} wordless wednesday

This morning we are going to little man's first allergist appointment. He has some food allergies that we believe are the underlying cause of his severe eczema. Praying it goes well!



  1. Hello, handsome. Presley has eczema as well but nothing has been tied to food. I feel like I bathe her in lotion & hydrocortisone cream at least twice a day. I'm interested to hear what you find out.

  2. He looks so happy - yet so tiny - in that swing! Good luck at the allergist!

  3. Good Luck today!!! I follower another blog (Funky Mama Bird) - not sure if you are her follower or not, but she has been having severe eczema and allergies with her son also. She's been blogging about what has been working and not. I thought I would share her address in case you want to read her experience so far...



  4. What a sweet little smile. My oldest has eczema, we have definitley linked it to pet dander (now that we have no dogs, it's much easier to handle) Good luck!

  5. My youngest has eczema, but it's genetic. We do however notice that he gets more flare-ups when he eats certain foods.

  6. My second and youngest children have excema. The winter bothers them and my middle one is allergic to our dog. I hope they can give you some answers. We have some creams we use so if you need ideas let me know

  7. My 17 month old son has severe eczema also. It is so frustrating! I was wondering if it has something to do with allergies as well. We know that he is allergic to eggs so we steer clear of those. Might need to get him to a doc soon too.

    One thing that has been helping a lot recently is alternating between cortisone cream and aveeno lotion!

    I hope your visit goes well! He is so sweet!

  8. Oh I hope your appointment goes well! Some of my sisters and my mom have or had eczema, it;s no fun.

  9. Cute photo! I love his tractor shirt. :)
    I hope and pray that his appointment goes well and you get some answers.

  10. I hope today went well. Both My daughters have food allergies but my three year old has them very severe. She was covered in excema as a baby and thankfully after removing all the allergens from her diet ( a very long list of them) she is finally getting better. Hoping for the best for you guys! Such a cute pic.

  11. good luck! I hope you get some answers!


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