Jun 28, 2010

Opposites attract

That's true for my husband and myself. We didn't realize how opposite we were until we had been married a few months. For example:

He's a night owl.    I want to be in bed by 9:30.

He's very frugal and wise with his money.  I'm working on it.

He loves to cook.  Cooking is torture to me.

My hubby loves dogs.  I'm not a big animal lover.

He doesn't like exercise.  I grew up with a dad that worked out 5 days a week. I have an appreciation for it.

He can go days without enough sleep for whatever reason and still have a great attitude.  If that happens to me stay far, far away.

He is a social butterfly and can makes friends with any stranger.  I am shy and reserved when I first meet you.

If we are expected to be somewhere at 6:00, he will be there at 6:03. I like to be there ten minutes before we're suppose to be there. Three minutes past is LATE!

He is adventurous.  I on the other hand couldn't be more afraid and cautious of everything!

He thinks organic living is a sham.  I see the benefits and strive to offer as much of it to my family as possible.

He is a city boy. I am a country girl!

He loves living in the city. I desperately want to live back in the country where I grew up.

He loves talking on the phone and will actually answer his phone. I don't know where my phone is half the time, it's dead most of the time when I do know where it is and I just don't enjoy talking on the phone.

He's an optimist. I'm more of a pessimist.

The only book he reads is his bible. I love to read any book I can get my hands on.

He likes to think his decisions through with lots of prayer and research.  I am more of a spur of the moment decision maker.

When on vacation he likes to see everything. I'd rather be relaxing.

He was raised in the "Leave it to beaver" household. I was raised in the definition of disfunction!

He thinks before he speaks. That's another thing I'm working on. ;)

I'm sure there are several more. Sure these things have been the root of conflict in our marriage. But the one thing and most important that we have in common is our love for Lord. With Him all things are possible.( Philipp. 4:13)



  1. These were interesting. :) Some of them remind me of my husband and myself....though for some they would be switched. :)
    It's good to recognize differences between us and our spouses because that can definitely help with conflict.

  2. You are DEFINITELY opposites! WOW!

  3. Sweet post! I love the things that are different about my husband and I. We really balance each other out in the end. :)

  4. Oh wow, I do recognize a lot here.. this is interesting. We are very alike =) Funny!

  5. Amazing how 2 people can love no matter the differences in hobbies ect... Just remember to let the Lord guide you through them as you have been and life will be good for the 2 of you

  6. This is such a beautiful entry. Thank you for sharing.

  7. Loved this.... it's so amazing how God can bring together and unify such different people :-)

  8. Differences keep things interesting. :) This was fun to read.

  9. Thats an awesome entry. Someone told me once that if you look at most Christian couples that met as Christians - they are complete opposites. Its true of my husband and I too.


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