When Monica first asked me to write a guest post for her blog, I
enthusiastic. That might seem like a given, but I can barely find
enough time and energy to fill the ever increasing summer void in my own
blog. And so, guest posting was not something I was seeking.
Still, "I should say 'yes' this time!" was my knee-jerk reaction, and I
committed myself before the topic was even established.
knew what I wanted to write about from the get-go. I always know.
But I thought I'd throw out a wide net, just in case. After all, she
might have wanted me to write about having four kids within sixteen
months. I could definitely entertain the masses with
poop-up-to-my-elbows stories of incompetence. But when
she said, "I was hoping you'd write about your marriage," I did that
thing with both arms that looks like someone pulling the emergency brake on a fast moving train. I call it the "YES!" motion, but I'm not sure
if it has a real name. At any rate, it looked like Monica and I were on
the same page (surprise, surprise), and so I feel strongly that this
post is being written, very specifically, for someone who will be
reading it today.
Before we go ahead and dig right
in, don't you just love that title? I wrote it down after God woke me up
in the middle of the night. It made me laugh out loud (I absolutely
adore serving a God with a sense of humor!). Anyway, I can't take any
credit for it. And it's my hope that, when I'm finished writing this
post, I'll be able to take very little credit for the whole of
Let's begin. Shall we?
married my husband on July thirteenth two-thousand and three. We spent
two gloriously oversexed weeks together before he headed back to the
Marine Corps base in North Carolina to prepare for deployment to
He was leaving me behind to mourn and pine, pine and mourn, until his
return. Actually, that's not entirely true. In reality, we
enjoyed a beautiful wedding night complete with champagne, caviar and
the best meal I've eaten to date, and then I spent the majority
of the next thirteen days battling an excruciatingly painful UTI. I
soaked for many hours in a putrid herbal bath (the same one I ended up
living in after my second set of twins were born) while he talked to me
from outside the bathroom door because he couldn't stand the
smell that, I might add, was slowly infusing his new bride's pores. Once
he flew away, I began busily preparing our home. I did very little
pining, though, and found that, once the question of "Who am I going to
marry?" had been answered, I was suddenly and surprisingly free.
Truth be told, I loved the freedom (though not the loneliness) of that
first year
of marriage without my husband. Although, the second six months
apart were much harder than the first, because it was at the mark
between first and second that I actually fell in love with my
baby-faced Marine.
He came home,
officially discharged, a few days before our first anniversary (which we
celebrated with a formal ceremony since we'd eloped the year before).
We were only a few months into our second year of marriage, and about a
month into our first viable pregnancy, when I discovered that my husband
had a possible problem with pornography. It would be another
year or more before I'd hear the
words pornography and addictio n together in a
sentence. All I knew, in that moment, was that I wasn't willing
to put up with whatever garbage was being dished up and passed down the
table in my direction. I expressed my hurt and outrage and made it
abundantly clear that I would not be sticking around to play
second fiddle to fantasy. And I figured that would more than take care
of the problem. After all, my husband loved me and I was the
only real choice. But a planned pregnancy soon stole my husband's
lingerie clad housekeeper and replaced her with a bedridden, vomiting
dependent. That certainly wasn't the cause of our downfall, but it
warmly incubated a dangerous preexisting condition.
the spring of two-thousand and six, I was the mother of two very
active barely toddlers with two more waiting (also actively) in
the womb. It wasn't the time I would have chosen to receive a late
night phone call from my husband's recently scorned mistress. But, then
again, I supposed there is never a good time for that call.
Nevertheless, it was less than twenty four hours later that I finally
knew what I had been, in sudden bursts of anger, accusing my husband of
for the past year or more. I wasn't crazy, that was the good news. The
bad news was that I had married a sex addict who had embarked on a
dangerous and destructive double life about the same time I fell
in love. I imagine that any human being, when faced with the kind of
news I received that night, would cry. I
am fabulous at being human, so I wept.
next few weeks were a hailstorm of emotion. The majority of my nearly
three year marriage had been tainted by a common lie; and my husband,
long before destroyed by guilt, had little desire to delay the agony any
longer. He insisted we should end it; and, on the surface, I agreed. Even still, the quiet voice, as if on a loop in my spirit,
repeated, "Let me have this, and I will work a miracle," over and over
and over again. And I knew, almost instantly, that I was being asked
(but never ordered) to stay.
That was four years
ago, and oh how I wish I could say that the rest of the story was
history...that I hadn't spent the past four years learning how to
forgive my husband and that he hadn't spent it learning how to forgive
himself and find deliverance from his demons. But, well, the journey
only began for us at that point.

was able to stay, not because I am especially strong or especially
weak (though these are the two most common theories), but because I trust my God. The things He has diligently
taught me apply, not just to our very dramatic version of a broken marriage,
but to all marriages since Adam first blamed Eve for serving up that
delectible forbidden fruit. You
see, what marriage does is make one person out of two. But divided they
fall. Divided they fall. Divided they fall! And Satan
knows that much better than we do.
next time you are face-to-face with your enemy, try giving their arm a
little pinch (you can tell them it's an experiment). If they wince or
complain, I can tell you with absolute certainty that you've been
misinformed. The human being you are standing before (even someone with
the potential to hurt you as only a spouse can) is not, in fact, your
enemy. We wrestle not against flesh and blood. Human enemies are
the kind we pray for, not the kind we pray against. And so the same
enemies you have in your current marriage you will often have two, three even four marriages down the road. Which is not to say that all
marriages will be saved. Two individual hearts must surrender to God
before they can move together as one. But, as half of a marriage, every
spouse has the
obligation to God to know his enemies...and to
fight, hard, with and for the right side.
good news is that it's Satan who is out to destroy you, to destroy your
spouse, and to destroy your marriage. Your spouse may choose the wrong
side (for a season or, sadly, forever), but your destruction is not his
idea. Just as Eve wouldn't have thought to eat the apple if Satan hadn't
hissed the idea her way, your spouse, your other half, your
teammate wouldn't set out to stray, cheat, lie, insult, nag,
withdraw, reject leave the cap off the toothpaste if
not influenced (not forced, but tempted) by principalities,
powers, rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness in high
places. Satan cannot
make anyone do anything, but he quite often has something to do
with it. So, when Satan attacks through the actions of your spouse, don't let him pull you apart; instead, lock
arms (even when it hurts) and hold on tight. That's what we've done for
the past four years, even through the insinuation of a step-child and rumors of recent adultery. And, from a depth of
experience that I never sought to gain, I can, without shame or doubt,
tell you this: Marriage is precious, purposeful and holy. And nothing Satan hates as much should be given up on without a bloody, armor
wearing fight!
I already follow Sarah and was excited to see she was the guest post. It is amazing the work God is doing through her and her husband. I am sure many others are going to be blessed by their perseverance and faithfulness to God.
ReplyDeletejaw dropping.....wow. The grace you have received and given is unbelievable. This is an encouragement to me friend.....thank you for sharing and being soo dag'on open.
ReplyDeleteyour awesome!!!
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ReplyDelete"...I feel strongly that this post is being written, very specifically, for someone who will be reading it today."
ReplyDeleteIt's me. My marriage is under intense attack and I have really been suffering, not knowing if I could keep hanging on. Thank you for writing and sharing this post. I feel strengthened.
I would greatly appreciate it if you would pray for us.
Thanks, all! Ana, we will definitely be in prayer. Feel free to contact me directly @ sarah.valente@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteAna, I just want you to know that I am also praying for your marriage.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! We really need all the prayers we can get right now.
ReplyDeleteAlthough this post was written over a year ago, God knew I needed to read it tonight. Although My marriage does not have the same struggles as yours, our struggles are still very real and this was God's way of reminding me to fight for my marriage against the apathy and other stuff.
ReplyDeleteThank you Sister for sharing this so honestly. I pray God is continuing to do miracles in your marriage and life!