Sep 14, 2010

Take me out to the ball game

Saturday was little man's first time to go to a baseball game.

At first he was antsy and wanted to get down. He threw a grape at the man in front of us and on more than one occasion tried to touch his hair.


But when everyone else started clapping he couldn't help himself but clap along.

I had no idea what a big deal this was for hubby. Apparently going to a baseball game with your son is a right of passage.

After little man got over his first initial put me down phase he really seemed to enjoy the game or at least the experience. We made it a total of four innings and then decided to leave.

I'm glad we left when we did. On the way back to the truck it started pouring. Nothing like seeing a man with a child and a stroller along with his very pregnant wife running across the parking lot trying to figure out where we parked!

It was a fun night and I'm glad we went. And in case you were wondering.....we won!


  1. That looks like so much fun! Great pictures!

  2. How fun! My husband was the same way when he took our son to his first game. Must just be one of those "man things" we don't understand.

  3. These are adorable! We are big baseball fans so when we have children we will def be taking them to a game!

  4. We were at that very same game!

    My little one did many of the very same things - throwing things at the people in front of us, almost pulling the ladies hair and lots of clapping.

    We didn't leave early enough though so we had to wait out the rain delay before I could get the kids out to the trolley and back to our hotel. Waiting out the rain delay with an antsy 16 month old is not fun - especially when the standing area is super crowded.

  5. I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.

    God Bless You ~Ron


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