Nov 16, 2010

9 months!

I am 9 months pregnant! I get to meet my baby boy in a few weeks! Can you tell I'm excited?!

I went yesterday for my weekly OB visit. Everything looked fine. They did lab work to see where my platelet count is, so please be praying they are high!! Baby boy has not dropped yet. Little man by this point had dropped and was in position. They kept telling me little man would come early....he didn't at least not on his own. I'm starting to swell, which I did towards the end with little man too. I no longer have ankles. :)

I have a scheduled induction date for December 6. That means in 2 weeks and 6 days he will be here! We have a lot to finish for his and little man's room. Hubby has been out of town a lot recently and we've been unable to paint or get anything finished. I'm starting to stress.

Here is the 36 week belly shot. Things are starting to get tight in there for him.


Prayer requests: Please pray for the platelet count to be high and not to drop anymore. Pray that little guy will come early (earlier than the scheduled induction date) on his own. I really want to go into labor on my own! And for no c-section!  Thank you all for the prayers. They mean so much to us!


  1. You look beautiful! Enjoy these last few weeks being pregnant :)

  2. YAY! Just a little longer! Can't wait to see pics.

  3. How exciting! We are excited to see pictures of the little guy too.

    PS. I hope I can get my daughter to take a super cute pregnancy picture of me like yours. *jealous.

  4. Monica, you look great! Sending lots of prayers your way for your platelet count and the health of your new little man.

  5. Great shot! You look great! You're all belly. :) Enjoy the rest of the pregnancy. I miss having one in my belly. :) Good Luck!

  6. You look amazing! Saying prayers now...

  7. So cute! I am praying for you!

  8. Without question, you will be in our prayers. Best of luck and I can't wait to meet him.

  9. You look phenomenal! I am so excited for you all!

  10. Definetly praying for you. I know how that feels...3 times around. Hey, so...we have a common friend. I went to China with Jason Seville. You photographed his daughter Sydney. He said "How do you know Monica?" and I asked him the same. SMALL world indeed. Great family eh? We go wayyyy back! He was my team leader. West VA this, West VA that. :) hahahahaha.

  11. LOVE the pics :) youre too cute! sending you lots of prayers-
    Heidi & Jack.


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