Jun 8, 2011

A little side by side action

Those of you who have been reading my blog for a while, do you remember this post? Well, I attempted to re-create the same session with Cohen. They were both wearing the same clothes and hat.

I always have people tell me that the boys look exactly alike. I don't see it. What about you?

Little Man at 6 months 17 days

Cohen 6 months 3 days


  1. Oh so cute! They both have beautiful big brown eyes!

    PS. How do you get your rounded corners??? I've been trying to figure it out in PSE 9 without any luck.

  2. Oh they are def brothers!! They do look alike and yet totally different! Everyone says they can see me in my son and I can't see it at all.

  3. I definitely think they look like brothers, not exactly alike but still similar.

    What big gorgeous brown eyes!

  4. I think they both favor one another, but don't look exactly the same. They look like they have the same nose, and DEFINITELY the same eyes...but there is still some difference in their facial features. Such beautiful kiddos!

  5. They seem to have very similar noses but I would say Little Man favors you more and Cohen his Daddy.

  6. They sure look like twins, but I think there are subtle differences. But absolutely NO ONE will think they're not brothers!!!


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