Sep 21, 2011

Glazing furniture


This bookshelf has been sitting in our garage for years. It needed some updating but I was afraid to tackle the job. After finding furniture painting tutorials on pinterest, I also found my confidence to complete the project. It's just painting, right?

I started out by cleaning and sanding it. I then applied two coats of paint. Now according to every tutorial I've ever read the next part of this process was suppose to be easy. On one tutorial the woman coated her entire piece of furniture and then wiped off the glaze. So I did just that. But by the time I went to wipe off the glaze it had already dried. I was really...really bummed.

I waited a few days to try again. After scouring the internet and talking to a woman at Lowe's I figured out that I should only do a small portion of the bookshelf at a time. So, another coat of paint was slapped on the bookshelf. And this time I only applied glaze to a small portion at a time and then wiped it off.

Finally success. Here is my new and improved bookshelf.


It almost looks pink in this picture but it's not. It's white with mocha glaze. This is one of the tutorials I used. 

I hope to be painting/glazing more furniture in the future. Do any of you have any pointers?


  1. Looks great! Don't you just adore Pinterest, I am not sure how I ever lived without it~!!

  2. Love it! Im addicted to pinterest too lol found like 12 craft projects to add to my list.

  3. I'm so glad you did this. I have been wanting to do this to the cupboard I keep the kids toys in forever. I just might actually do it now. :) Pinterest is pretty awesome!


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