Dec 19, 2011


This year, or at least the past 6 months will go down as being one of the most trying years to date and I feel like I always say that at the end of each year. But there is always a new challenge that we end up facing that we haven't faced in years past and most of those challenges we didn't see coming.

We are being faced with another "didn't see that one coming" challenge right now. I can't share what it is but I can not stress to you enough how much we need prayers right now.

I am thankful that this challenge has nothing to do with my marriage, hubby's job or my boys. (although being a stay at home mom is a challenge within itself..right?) Just thought I should be clear about that. I haven't been a very good blogger this year and just because my husband's presence on the blog has been lacking it isn't a reflection of how we're doing. :) I still can't believe I'm lucky enough to be married to him!

Hubby is having a hard time with everything going on with his mom but we have grown closer through that. It's still so strange to think 6 months ago she was seemingly fine and is now almost in a vegetative state. The past few weeks she had quit progressing and began to regress. She wouldn't respond to commands and she would barely wake up. They also discovered a new tumor that they are unable to perform surgery on. But on Saturday hubby and I went to visit her and we were so encouraged by her responses. She answered questions by nodding her head yes and shaking her head no. She would squeeze hands and point on command. When asked hubby's name she was even able to mouth it! When we went to leave she lifted her hand from her chest (this is huge) and she waved!!

We are so thankful to the Lord for allowing us (hubby, hubby's brother, myself, and hubby's dad) to witness that! We have learned to be thankful for the little miracles and take each day as it comes.

Please continue to pray for Nancy, praise the Lord for the alertness and for the awesome facility she is in that is filled with believers!

 And if you wouldn't mind praying for the new challenge that we are facing.

You may not have noticed it but I added a new family picture to the blog if you look under "meet monica". But to save you the time and the click I will add it to this post too. This is the one we put on our Christmas cards.



Christmas is this week!! The boys are excited about celebrating Jesus' birthday!!


  1. Great family photo!
    I will continue to pray for you all and your mother in law. That must be so hard. And also the new challenge you have to face. We all have those in our lives so I understand and will be praying!

  2. sending good thoughts your BIL's mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in dec/jan and passed away in April it was extremely difficult. Stay strong!

  3. 2012 has to be better for you guys! Big hugs, Monica :)

  4. I am praying friend. I'm sorry this year has been stressful for you guys. Glad to hear this hard ache with Nancy has brought you and the hubs closer together. That is a true blessing. Your Christmas card photo is super cute. God is good and puts us through these challenges to strengthen our faith. I will pray that for you guys.

  5. You are in my prayers! I'm sorry this happy season is tinged with sadness for your family this year. I will keep praying.

    Your Christmas photos are beautiful. :)

  6. Your family is in our prayers! Your pictures of your family & the boys are to cute!


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