Oct 12, 2013

Our Son's Namesake

I apologize for taking so long to get this post written. But I could not share with you our son's name without sharing with you his namesake. Below is a video of the man we named our son after. We have been trying to get this almost 25 year old video on a dvd, computer and loaded into imovie. It's really complicated for a non-techy person like myself to get it done. :)

So our new little guy's name is..

Mason David

He is named after someone very special not to just me but to the many lives he touched while in ministry. Grandpa Mason who this post is about and who you will "meet" through his video below was a godly man. Our little guy's middle name is my father-in-law's name who is also a man who loves the Lord. Grandpa Mason was a pastor and lived a hard life in his early years with divorced parents, an alcoholic father, sometimes not having enough food to eat and he grew up in a privately funded home for boys. But God used those hardships to put a desire in his heart to minister to those who were in need of food, clothes and who needed to hear about the hope that can only be found in Jesus Christ. He founded a mission church where he preached and gave out food and clothes. That church almost 30 years later is still serving its small community. He met his wife on a blind date and stayed faithfully married to her despite her severe struggle with mental illness.  

Please take a moment to watch just a few excerpts from his video testimony. He was very sick and passed away just 30 days after this was taped. 

Our prayer for our son Mason is that when he looks back on this battle ground called life, through the hurt, pain, joy and trials that like my grandpa he will still be able to say God is good.


  1. Beautiful story and testament to a Godly man it was worth the wait congrats once again!


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