Oct 3, 2014

Day 3 - 31 Days to a REAL FOOD kitchen makeover

If you are converting your kitchen to a real food kitchen then you will be doing lots of cooking since most convenient packaged foods are highly processed, filled with preservatives and lots of other questionable ingredients. And if you are doing lots of cooking you want to make sure you have the right equipment. Non-stick pans have got to go. If you are still using non-stick pans click here to read the dangers.

When we got married we were gifted a set of non-stick cookware. After reading the dangers I didn't run out and buy a whole new set. No, the conversion of my pots and pans happened slowly.

So if you can't use non-stick, what can you use? Well, the two best options are cast iron and stainless steel.

My cast iron skillet has quickly become one of my favorite items in the kitchen. It was intimidating at first but after some practice I love it! Cast iron is so durable it can be passed down through generations. I use coconut oil to make it a non-stick surface.

Another great option is stainless steel. I have stock pots that are stainless steel. I know these are more expensive but I have seen great prices on amazon and at HomeGoods.


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